Linux Grab a cool wallpaper for your Linux desktop

Digital Ocean released a bunch of really nice wallpapers in 2016. Not all of all of the wallpapers are Linux themed but there are a few cool ones featuring the Linux mascot, Tux.


1 min read

I tweeted about a blog post which I published on, explaining how I configured the GNOME desktop theme Yaru (by the Ubuntu community) on my openSUSE Tumbleweed machine. The tweet got a lot of reaction, not just for the blog post or cool Yaru theme but also for the nice wallpaper showing penguins using a computer.

I got a question whether the wallpaper was freely available. The answer is yes. The wallpaper was released, among many others, by Digital Ocean in 2016.

You can head to now and grab a cool wallpaper for your Linux desktop.