openSUSE Attila Pinter and Maurizio Galli join the openSUSE Board

The openSUSE Board Election was announced on the project mailing list on the 1st of November 2021. The election concluded on the eve of new year 2022.

Ish Sookun

1 min read

We had two candidates for two available seats. As per the board election rules, in such a case, each candidate should receive at least 50% of the total number of votes to be considered as elected.

Both Attila Pinter and Maurizio Galli received good support from the community members. We had 542 eligible voters, out of which 147 voted in the election.

Attila Pinter received 122 votes in his favour which represents 83%, 22 votes against and 3 abstentions.

Maurizio Galli received 120 votes in his favour representing 82%, 21 votes against and 6 abstentions.

Congratulations to both of them! 👏 🎉