Two years and we could not meet & greet at the Developers Conference. But the wait is over. With the new normal the Developers Conference is making its comeback.
After several months of restrictions on public gatherings due to COVID-19, the government has now smoothed the restrictions. Mauritians stuck abroad are able to come back and tourists can come for their missed holidays.
All that said, it's been long since we had a good physical conference where all the geeks & nerds could meet. The Developers Conference (DevCon) did not happen last year, at least not physically. We had a virtual conference but let's admit the experience is not the same. It's fun but not fantastic! This year as well no DevCon and probably organising something between now and December won't be easy considering speakers & sponsors coming from abroad.
However... Yesterday, the Mauritius Software Craftsmanship Community announced the new dates for the Developers Conference. It's happening on the 17th, 18th and 19th of February 2022. 🎊
Over the past years the Developers Conference has grown into something bigger than just a three-days event for developers, sysadmins and pros of the ICT industry. Now, we have more speakers, we have more user groups, we have speakers from other countries and we have more sponsors. It's quite some work to coordinate everything.
So kudos to everyone working on it & making it happen! 👏
The Call for Speakers is open and the submission deadline is 30th November 2021 at 23h59. Don't wait for the last minute! Submit your session NOW and be part of this seventh edition of the iconic Developers Conference of Mauritius.
Those, who have never attended DevCon can have look at what the conference was about in 2018 and 2019.
I end this post with some shots from DevCon 2019 by Nirvan Pagooah.