Collection of 5 posts



Podman - unable to pull image

Today, while pulling the latest Nextcloud container image from the repository I noticed that it is failing. Looking at the read: connection reset by peer error I assume it could be primarily due to network failure; maybe poor quality of the connection


2 min read

A quick intro to Podman by Estu Fardani

Estu Fardani is a helpful & jovial fellow whom I met at the openSUSE Asia Summit last year in Bali, Indonesia. Recently, for the openSUSE Virtual Summit, Estu did a short presentation on Podman. His presentation video is available on YouTube and slides deck available on Google Slides


1 min read

Debugging on MicroOS made easier with toolbox

Until now, it was not easy to run debugging tools on openSUSE MicroOS or Kubic for the simple reason that installing any package using the transactional-update in package_name command would require a reboot for the program to be available on the system.


1 min read

Understand networking in Podman

I received a message on Twitter on 17 October from a fellow who attended the openSUSE Asia Summit 2019. Strangely, I didn't get any notification about it and it's only today that I read the message. He also attended my workshop on openSUSE MicroOS and had some questions regarding inter-Pod...


2 min read

Podman 101 at the Middlesex University Mauritius

Thanks to Senior Lecturer and Programme Coordinator, Aditya Santokhee, at the Middlesex University Mauritius, my colleague Chittesh & I got to deliver guest talks at the university today.


2 min read