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COVID-19 Quarantine Period extended till 31 May

Previously, the quarantine period was set till 31 March 2021. Following Cabinet meeting of Friday 26 Februrary 2021, the quarantine period has been further extended.


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openSUSE distributions dedicated page

openSUSE is not just one Linux distribution. It is a project that hosts different distributions adapted for specific needs, e.g desktop, server & container orchestration. The desktop and server editions are available in regular releases and rolling editions.


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How to host a free 1 year server running UBUNTU in AWS?

If you are looking to practice with Ubuntu servers, especially hosting websites, running databases etc, then an Ubuntu virtual private server is the ideal solution. If you can get that for free it's even better. Yes, you can get an Ubuntu virtual server for free on the Amazon Web Services.

Chittesh Sham

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Videos from the Virtual Developers Conference 2020 are up on YouTube

The Virtual Developers Conference 2020 produced about 100 hours of recording including the breaks and technical glitches. Now, you can watch the individual sessions on YouTube.


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Developers Conference 2021 postponed 🙄

The Developers Conference by the Mauritius Software Craftsmanship Community is the largest gathering of software developers, sysadmins, engineers, geeks, tech enthusiasts and other like-minded individuals on the island.


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Grab a cool wallpaper for your Linux desktop

Digital Ocean released a bunch of really nice wallpapers in 2016. Not all of all of the wallpapers are Linux themed but there are a few cool ones featuring the Linux mascot, Tux.


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RHEL no-cost* vs openSUSE Leap

TL;DR. Red Hat allows its clients to use RHEL for free on up to 16 machines. On the other hand, openSUSE Leap boasts binary compatibility with SUSE Linux Enterprise and comes without any restriction on usage.


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SOGo calendar synchronization breaks due to emoji in the event title

Recently, I encountered an issue with the SOGo CalDAV synchronization. If an emoji is inserted in the event title, then the calendar would stop synchronizing across devices.


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Mauritius Public Holidays 2021

As job resumes, many would be planning their year ahead. That in mind, people are usually looking for the public holidays to plan their leaves.


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