Author has 115 posts
Podman 101 at the Middlesex University Mauritius
Thanks to Senior Lecturer and Programme Coordinator, Aditya Santokhee, at the Middlesex University Mauritius, my colleague Chittesh & I got to deliver guest talks at the university today.
Krakathon đ
Krakathon - the hackthon with a Kraken - kicked off on Saturday 19 October 2019 at the Caudan Arts Centre in Port-Louis. LSL Digital didn't participate this year due to other priorities. However, some of my colleagues participated individually as Team Kalchul.
openSUSE Asia Summit
The summit kicked-off on Saturday 5 October at the Information Technology Department, Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University. There were around 40 or so students who volunteered to help run the summit. Some of the volunteers were from other institutions.
Lightning Talks
The Developers Conference 2019 was organized by the Mauritius Software Craftsmanship Community at the usual venue VoilĂ Hotel, Bagatelle, Mauritius, from 11 to 13 April. Lightning Talks was the last session of the conference which was orchestrated by Sandeep.
Safe City Project - Is this a broken camera?
I noticed that the Safe City Camera installed next to the Lady Lydie Ringadoo Government School in Providence points towards the sky rather than pointing to either side of the road.
Africa Internet Summit
The Africa Internet Summit (AIS) is an annual, regional, multi-stakeholder ICT conference. It is the pinnacle educational and business ICT event in Africa where key players in the Internet industry can interact with the global Internet community.
openSUSE Conference 2019
The openSUSE Conference is the annual openSUSE community event that brings people from around the world together to meet and collaborate. I attended the openSUSE Conference in Nuremberg, Germany, which was held at Z-Bau (House for Contemporary Culture) between 24 to 26 May.
DevCon 2019 in a nutshell
The fifth edition of the Developers Conference ran from the 11th till the 1313 of April 2019 at the usual venue of VoilĂ Hotel & Flying Dodo. The early morning of Thursday, Shelly & I reached the hotel to lend a helping hand to the MSCC Squad (the boys & girls making DevCon happen).
AfriNIC Community Discuss - Gratitude!
Gratitude. This is the title of the email thread that started a debate over privacy & data protection within the AFRINIC community. The email was sent on the "community discuss" mailing list of AfriNIC.
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