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Podman - unable to pull image

Today, while pulling the latest Nextcloud container image from the repository I noticed that it is failing. Looking at the read: connection reset by peer error I assume it could be primarily due to network failure; maybe poor quality of the connection


2 min read

75 years old man arrested for Facebook post after the Prime Minister of Mauritius lodges police complaint

A former Ambassador of Mauritius in Madagascar, aged 75 years old, posted an edited photo of the Prime Minister of Mauritius sitting over a pile of currency notes, along with the text in creole that translates to "Motto of Pinokio. Let's kick ass before we leave.


3 min read

Running Flatpak on openSUSE Leap the first time

Flatpak comes pre-installed in openSUSE Leap 15.2. However, executing the flatpak command for the first time had a minor quirk in a freshly installed Leap 15.2 machine


1 min read

A quick intro to Podman by Estu Fardani

Estu Fardani is a helpful & jovial fellow whom I met at the openSUSE Asia Summit last year in Bali, Indonesia. Recently, for the openSUSE Virtual Summit, Estu did a short presentation on Podman. His presentation video is available on YouTube and slides deck available on Google Slides


1 min read

कुछ बातें openSUSE Leap 15.2 के बारे में जानें

२ जुलाई २०२० को openSUSE Leap 15.2 संस्करण उपलब्ध हुआ। इस संस्करण में अधिक कंटेनर टूलस् शामिल है, जैसे कि कुबनेटिस् (जो पहली बार के लिए Leap संस्करण में उपलब्ध हुआ है) हेल्म और सिल्यम।


1 min read

Ministry of Commerce removes the price control over certain products

As per the cabinet decisions published on the Prime Minister Office's website, the cabinet has "noted" that cases of abusive prices has decreased and thus cabinet decided to remove certain products from the price control


1 min read

India bans TikTok

Citing concerns over security of data and risk to privacy, the Ministry of Information Technology of India banned TikTok among 58 other mobile apps on 29 June 2020. The Ministry invoked its power under Section 69A of the Information Technology Act of India


1 min read

Convert .VOB files to .MP4

I had a bunch of video files in the .VOB format which I copied from a few DVDs a couple of years back. Uploading them on a cloud storage service (e.g Google Drive, OneDrive etc) for safe keeping is nice but not practical since they cannot be played directly through the cloud service's video player


1 min read

Petition for the re-election of the openSUSE Board

Back in March, openSUSE member Pierre Böckmann wrote on the project mailing list calling for a non-confidence vote. Technically that means he was calling for a re-election of the current elected board


1 min read