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Developers Conference 2022, it's finally happening πŸŽ‰

Due to COVID-19, sanitary restrictions and limit on number of people at gatherings, tech conferences did not happen in Mauritius in the past two years. That's about to change.

Ish Sookun

1 min read

AFRINIC published FAQ to explain the litigation with Cloud Innovation Ltd

More and more people are taking cognisance of this particular matter between AFRINIC and one of its resource members. AFRINIC even issued a press communique to clarify the situation. The communique was published in a few Mauritian newspapers and news websites across Africa.

Ish Sookun

2 min read

AFRINIC issued a communique after Cloud Innovation published "right of reply" in Mauritian newspaper

The legal battle between AFRINIC and one of its resource members, Cloud Innovation Ltd, continues. However, it seems that the fight is not just in the Supreme Court of Mauritius anymore but they are also fighting to be heard via the press. πŸ€”

Ish Sookun

2 min read

Ubuntu mirror in Mauritius

Operating system updates when fast and smooth, it is always a pleasure to see. No one ever wants a slow machine because updates are hogging resources. Thanks to who sponsored a server and bandwidth, we now have an Ubuntu mirror in Mauritius.

Ish Sookun

3 min read

Front-End Coders Meetup at ACENSI Mauritius

Front-End Coders Mauritius is a community around front-end development based in Mauritius. The group organises monthly meetups free for anyone interested to attend. Meetup announcements are made on social media platforms and agenda is available on

Ish Sookun

6 min read

Announcing the availability of two openSUSE mirrors in Mauritius

Until a few months ago, there were only two openSUSE mirrors in the whole African continent β€” in South Africa and Kenya. Now, Mauritius has joined the list by adding two more openSUSE mirrors in Africa.

Ish Sookun

4 min read
Internet Community

Obtain a Let's Encrypt certificate for your domain using

Let's Encrypt is a non-profit Certificate Authority (CA) run by Internet Security Research Group that provides X.509 certificates for Transport Layer Security encryption at no charge. Its goal is to make all websites secure using HTTPS.

Ish Sookun

1 min read

S. Moonesamy writes to the Data Protection Office regarding the alleged data capture at the Baie Jacotet Submarine Cable Landing Station

The Data Protection Office of Mauritius operates under the aegis of the Ministry of Technology, Communication and Innovation, since February 2009 when the Data Protection Act 2004 came into force. ​This office aims at protecting privacy rights of individuals.

Ish Sookun

2 min read
Internet Community

How much space is required to store 2 mins of data captured from all internet traffic in Mauritius?

It is a question that probably many people are asking after reading the news since last week-end.

Ish Sookun

1 min read