Collection of 23 posts



We love ❤️ links

An online tool to create a short link that contains a list of links.

Ish Sookun

1 min read

MSCC Summit 2021 announced

MSCC Summit is a community-centric event organized by user groups in Mauritius. All topics, presentations and activities are picked, planned and exceuted by user group members. There are no Call for Speakers.

Ish Sookun

1 min read

Videos from the Virtual Developers Conference 2020 are up on YouTube

The Virtual Developers Conference 2020 produced about 100 hours of recording including the breaks and technical glitches. Now, you can watch the individual sessions on YouTube.


3 min read

Developers Conference 2021 postponed 🙄

The Developers Conference by the Mauritius Software Craftsmanship Community is the largest gathering of software developers, sysadmins, engineers, geeks, tech enthusiasts and other like-minded individuals on the island.


1 min read

Developers Conference 2021 - Call for Speakers announced

DevCon 2021 is happening. Save the dates; 18, 19 & 20 March 2021. After having to resort to a virtual conference this year due to the coronavirus pandemic, the DevCon 2021 physical conference will be a much awaited event on the island.


1 min read

DevFest 2020 at Uniciti Mauritius

The GDG DevFest 2020 happened on the Saturday 21st November in Mauritius. It was the first physical tech event after the confinement. We hope that the pandemic situation improves and that we have more of such events on the island.


1 min read

DevFest 2020 Mauritius

The GDG Mauritius and the Mauritius Software Craftsmanship Community (MSCC) are bringing the DevFest 2020 this November. The previous DevFests have been successful and no doubt this year's event will be great too, despite the challenges brought by the pandemic.


1 min read

Looking for a job in tech in Mauritius?

During the closing session of the Virtual Developers Conference, last month, Jochen Kirstaetter (a.k.a JoKi) announced the creation of Jobs in Tech (JiT). Jobs in Tech is operated by Agile Media for the Mauritius Software Craftsmanship Community.


2 min read

Virtual Developers Conference by the MSCC

The Virtual Developers Conference of the Mauritius Software Craftsmanship Community was live streamed on YouTube on the 9th, 10th and 11th of September 2020. It connected 90 speakers from different parts of the world, not the Mauritius, with hundreds of viewers that showed interest


2 min read